International Hypoglycaemia Study Group Logo

The IHSG aims to increase our knowledge and understanding of hypoglycaemia to advance the study of diabetes management

Founded in 2013, the International Hypoglycaemia Study Group (IHSG) grew out of a need to address the problem hypoglycaemia poses in treating diabetes. By advancing the awareness and scientific understanding of hypoglycaemia, the IHSG seeks to create solutions to improve patients’ lives.

IHSG Objectives

To achieve the overall goal of improving the lives of people with diabetes, the objectives of the IHSG are to:

  1. Increase awareness of hypoglycaemia
  2. Advance scientific understanding of hypoglycaemia

What we do

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Identify emerging issues and knowledge gaps about hypoglycaemia

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Provide a platform for comprehensive scientific communication and knowledge translation to improve our scientific understanding of hypoglycaemia and its importance as a barrier to optimal diabetes treatment

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Promote hypoglycaemia research by providing a forum for research exchange, including the annual Advances in Hypoglycaemia meeting and the IHSG symposium at EASD

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Engage international regulatory bodies and stakeholders to provide insights into the effects of hypoglycaemia and increase its awareness as a problem in diabetes care

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Help foster the development of future leaders in hypoglycaemia research

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Participate in professional scientific communications (e.g. publications, symposia, and continuing medical education) to raise awareness of hypoglycaemia

What we offer

