severe low blood sugar is real

Severe Low Blood Sugar Is Real

Real Stories From Real People: Robert

Real Stories From Real People: Michael and Dina

00:11 – 00:13 So the other night, I was out for dinner.

00:14 – 00:18 As it turns out, I gave myself way too much insulin.

00:19 – 00:21 So throughout the meal, feeling pretty good.

00:22 – 00:23 Right. No real problems.

00:23 – 00:28 But then soon after the meal was over, my insulin is kicking in.

00:28 – 00:30 I’m taking fast acting insulin.

00:30 – 00:32 It’s kicking in,

00:32 – 00:36 and my blood sugar is plummeting.

00:37 – 00:39 Because I’ve overcompensated.

00:39 – 00:42 My CGM alarm went off

00:43 – 00:47 and my wife could tell I was a little bit out of it.

00:47 – 00:50 And so she got involved right away,

00:51 – 00:54 took the CGM, scanned my arm, looked at the blood sugar,

00:54 – 01:00 and you could tell that it was trending down, heading 60, 62,

01:00 – 01:06 heading into the low sixties, even into the upper fifties, which for me,

01:07 – 01:11 I’m sweaty, I’m tingly, and I’m not really well-oriented.

00:10 – 00:12 And I was retiring for the evening,

00:12 – 00:16 doing a little bit of reading and all of a sudden my eyes began to

00:16 – 00:18 it was like a fading, if you will,

00:18 – 00:20 much like those of us that remember TV

00:20 – 00:25 shows that when the reception went bad, it began to fade out, and to narrow.

00:25 – 00:26 I really couldn’t see.

00:26 – 00:31 And I immediately checked my blood sugar, and from what I could tell,

00:31 – 00:34 I saw the red color, but I really couldn’t see the value at first.

00:34 – 00:37 And so I literally ended up hollering down to my family.

00:37 – 00:41 My wife and son were downstairs and immediately

00:41 – 00:44 my son came upstairs, running.

00:44 – 00:48 I had yelled what was going on, and he brought me the kit.

00:48 – 00:53 And of course, we have a little bags of certain candies, jellies, etc.

00:53 – 00:56 that are so many carbs to help address that.

00:56 – 00:58 But that wasn’t going to be enough.

00:58 – 01:03 So, end up taking the medication and it made a world of difference.

01:03 – 01:06 But I have to tell you, it was very sobering.

01:06 – 01:08 I wasn’t expecting that.

01:08 – 01:10 I thought I would stay in range and

01:11 – 01:13 I just was very fearful.

01:13 – 01:16 If they hadn’t been home, I don’t think I could have gotten down the stairs safely.

01:16 – 01:19 And I don’t know how fast I was going to continue to go low.

00:11 – 00:13 So the other night, I was out for dinner.

00:14 – 00:18 As it turns out, I gave myself way too much insulin.

00:19 – 00:21 So throughout the meal, feeling pretty good.

00:22 – 00:23 Right. No real problems.

00:23 – 00:28 But then soon after the meal was over, my insulin is kicking in.

00:28 – 00:30 I’m taking fast acting insulin.

00:30 – 00:32 It’s kicking in,

00:32 – 00:36 and my blood sugar is plummeting.

00:37 – 00:39 Because I’ve overcompensated.

00:39 – 00:42 My CGM alarm went off

00:43 – 00:47 and my wife could tell I was a little bit out of it.

00:47 – 00:50 And so she got involved right away,

00:51 – 00:54 took the CGM, scanned my arm, looked at the blood sugar,

00:54 – 01:00 and you could tell that it was trending down, heading 60, 62,

01:00 – 01:06 heading into the low sixties, even into the upper fifties, which for me,

01:07 – 01:11 I’m sweaty, I’m tingly, and I’m not really well-oriented.

00:10 – 00:12 And I was retiring for the evening,

00:12 – 00:16 doing a little bit of reading and all of a sudden my eyes began to

00:16 – 00:18 it was like a fading, if you will,

00:18 – 00:20 much like those of us that remember TV

00:20 – 00:25 shows that when the reception went bad, it began to fade out, and to narrow.

00:25 – 00:26 I really couldn’t see.

00:26 – 00:31 And I immediately checked my blood sugar, and from what I could tell,

00:31 – 00:34 I saw the red color, but I really couldn’t see the value at first.

00:34 – 00:37 And so I literally ended up hollering down to my family.

00:37 – 00:41 My wife and son were downstairs and immediately

00:41 – 00:44 my son came upstairs, running.

00:44 – 00:48 I had yelled what was going on, and he brought me the kit.

00:48 – 00:53 And of course, we have a little bags of certain candies, jellies, etc.

00:53 – 00:56 that are so many carbs to help address that.

00:56 – 00:58 But that wasn’t going to be enough.

00:58 – 01:03 So, end up taking the medication and it made a world of difference.

01:03 – 01:06 But I have to tell you, it was very sobering.

01:06 – 01:08 I wasn’t expecting that.

01:08 – 01:10 I thought I would stay in range and

01:11 – 01:13 I just was very fearful.

01:13 – 01:16 If they hadn’t been home, I don’t think I could have gotten down the stairs safely.

01:16 – 01:19 And I don’t know how fast I was going to continue to go low.

What Is Low Blood Sugar?

Low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, is when the amount of sugar in your blood drops below a certain blood sugar level. For most people, low blood sugar is below 3.9 mmol/L (millimoles of sugar per liter of blood) or 70 mg/dL (milligrams of sugar per deciliter of blood).

Non-severe Vs Severe Low Blood Sugar

Click to learn more about severe low blood sugar

What are the Early Warning Signs and Symptoms of Severe Low Blood Sugar?

If left untreated, severe low blood sugar can cause serious harm, such as accidents or physical injury.
This is why is’s important to recognize early warning signs, including:

Common Early Warning Signs

Trembling from Severe Low Blood Sugar


Pounding Heart from Severe Low Blood Sugar

Pounding Heart

Sweating from Severe Low Blood Sugar Sweating
Anxiety from Severe Low Blood Sugar


Hunger from Severe Low Blood Sugar


When you don’t have enough sugar in your blood, all parts of your body can be affected, including your brain. Symptoms that can happen when your brain doesn’t get enough blood sugar include:

Common Symptoms Caused by Lack of
Enough Blood sugar in the Brain

Difficulty concentrating from Severe Low Blood Sugar

Difficulty concentrating

Confusion from Severe Low Blood Sugar


Weakness from Severe Low Blood Sugar


Drowziness or dizziness from Severe Low Blood Sugar

Drowziness or dizziness

Vision changes from Severe Low Blood Sugar

Vision changes

Difficulty speaking from Severe Low Blood Sugar

Difficulty speaking

Take a moment to think about the signs and symptoms that you may have experienced, which may or may not be the same as those listed above.

Some people may have multiple signs or symptoms, while others may have minimal or no signs or symptoms until it becomes an emergency. In some cases, especially in people who are unaware their blood sugar is dropping low, caregivers or loved ones may spot signs and symptoms before the person having them does.

Signs and symptoms can also be different between one severe low blood sugar event to another – you may feel confused during one severe low and irritable during a different low.

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Review Your Knowledge

Learn More About Severe Low Blood Sugar


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